

Strike the right work-life balance in the new semester with these ITS tips to lower stress and increase productivity.

Student laying down on the main quad with a laptop placed on their legs.

随着新学期的开始, resolve to make some changes to improve your digital wellness and find healthy ways to balance your use of technology. Here are a few tech tips for tools ITS provides that may help you find the right balance.


Lower stress and increase productivity by blocking your calendar for uninterrupted work time. 微软甚至可以自动帮你完成. 使用微软团队中的Viva Insights应用程序 或者在浏览器中打开 to automate your time blocking with “focus time.” Viva Insights will prompt you to choose to protect selected times based on your current meetings. Just click the suggested time, and Viva Insights will make a calendar appointment for you. You can also click “protect time” to set up recurring time blocks. It will ask if you prefer morning or afternoon focus time and how much time you’d like to protect each day.


Installing work apps on your personal devices can be a great way to stay plugged in. It can also keep you from fully disengaging when work hours are over. To mute your mobile notifications when you’re taking a break or off the clock, set daily quiet hours or enable “do not disturb” in the Outlook and Teams apps.

In the Outlook app, tap the menu in the upper left, then the alarm clock icon in the upper right. Choose to pause notification by times, days or during appointments. There are easy toggles for disabling notifications on weekends or evenings. You can still open the app and check for messages if needed.

For Teams, choose either “quiet hours” or “quiet days.” Tap your profile and choose “notifications” from the main menu. Then, configure how and when Teams should disable notifications to your device.


Blocking time on your calendar can go hand in hand with taking some time away from your desk. A few minutes to recharge with a cup of tea or a short walk can help you refocus and feel more energized. Another way to recharge at work is to switch tasks. 转向学习是一个很好的选择. ITS provides LinkedIn Learning free to students, faculty and staff. 首先,简单地说 用你的Onyen激活LinkedIn Learning. 欲了解更多详情,请访问 在卡罗莱纳学习.


Here are a few tips for finding space for digital wellness in your meetings.

让它们变短. 微软的脑成像研究 showed that just a few minutes between meetings made a significant positive difference in stress levels and cognitive processing. 在前景, 设置更短的默认持续时间比如30分钟. You can also choose the “end early” or “start late” setting to build in a buffer or break time.

隐藏自我审视. 变焦疲劳是真的. 最近的研究表明,对大多数人来说, having their camera on during meetings is more fatiguing than having the camera off. Try keeping your camera on but disabling self-view and see if that lessens the fatigue. 下面教你如何隐藏你的 视频放大 和 微软团队会议.

使用头像. Another choice is to swap your camera for an avatar. 使用Zoom,你 可以启用头像吗 它会显示,而不是你的摄像头. 在你的会议上, the avatar reflects your facial expressions and head movements, so you can take a break from being on-camera while still giving visual feedback to your colleagues.

不要吝啬其他的约会. 使用反应按钮给出反馈. Reactions like thumbs up, applause, hearts and the laughing emoji help show you’re engaged.


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